Disclaimer: Normally I don't publish me or my family on my RLT Blog but thought I would today...
Well as you can see Olly wins the big crash contest and the big air contest... Good thing he had a WWII crash helmet on when he decided to take a ride down the 50' high rock hard snowpile that the snowplows had deposited over the winter (he was fine)... It was nice to just be a kid again.
I had a great time with Che and Jared on Saturday at the city bldg and Library in Downtown SLC. They were a cute couple to work with and we had a lot of fun.
Well as you can see Heidi is very photogenic, this always makes my job easier... Click this link and click on "Online Pictures" then click on Heidi JSMB and click login to see more. http://www.rltphotography.com/