I am happy to announce that a very good friend of mine and renowned photographer John Tannock, (https://jtannock.readyhosting.com/index.html) has agreed to take time out of his busy schedule of teaching and shooting, and will be coming to Utah Feb. 2nd and 3rd to teach a two day class at Nichols photo lab in SLC, on Adobe Lightroom. John is an amazing teacher and has won numerous awards and traveled the world shooting as well as being on major television networks talking about trends in photography. If you want to get the most out of your dollar this is hands down the most productive workshop you can take. If you think your life is bogged down by the "workflow" of digital photography, then you need to attend this class. I have been using LR since last January and have been able to cut my work time down by 90% !!! You will be absolutley blown away at what LR is capable of! I have cursed Adobe's name for not doing a better job of marketing LR as it is an absolute must for anyone shooting digital! I use to use Adobe Photoshop for all of my editing and now I only open Photoshop on very rare occasions as LR does it all!!! OK whats in it for me, NOTHING! I spent so many years bogged down by Adobe PS, and frustrated at the time I spent editing that I want everyone to know how much better it can be!
When John showed me what I was missing through LR, I could not believe that Adobe did not have billboards about this product on every major highway! I kid you not when I say you are wasting time and money if you only use photoshop! LR is only $299!!! Knowing what I know now about it, if it were released today I would honestly drop $3000 for the program without hesitation.
Finally Adobe created a program geared 100% to us as professional photographers, and I have yet to find anything "I wish they would have added" Every time I think that, I dig deeper and find it can do that and then some!
Ok this is a long rant, and I rarely do this unless it is something I feel passionate about.
Just to give you an idea of its capabilities, I swore up and down for years that I would never shoot in RAW, when John showed me how easy it was to shoot RAW and use LR I was sold, iam never sold that easy. When I saw that no matter whether I shot RAW or JPG it processed the images the same, only in RAW I had many more options for tweaking my photos!
Second. THERE IS NO SAVE OR SAVE AS option in LR. Thats right, because you don't have to! It does not matter how bad you screw up a photo or mess it up, with one click you can revert to the original photo, even if you close the program, yep just open it back up and reset a crop or revert to the original, you have to see this to believe it.
Third, all your images are open and ready to be worked on! No more opening 10 or 20 images a time in PS, all your images are open, and the program runs fast, I have had over 2000 images opened in this program at once and it ran as fast as if I had 2 images open.
Fourth, it does it all from rotating all your images, saving them to a backup drive, allowing you to watermark images, email images from the program, print, categorize, and prep and send to the web for previewing!
Fifth, You are just plain crazy not to learn and use this program!!!
This is just scratching the surface of what it is capable of. So if you are remotely considering it, DO IT!!!
Please do not hesitate to contact Paul Bitner at Nichols Photo lab for more information 801-486-3053
or me, Ryan Thompson 801-390-5744
Also class space is limited and you will receive a copy of Scott Kelby's book LR for digital photographers, if you sign up before Jan 1st. Don't wait as seats will go fast.
You can sign up through Johns website under the "gift registry"
See you all there!
Check back for any updates!
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