Dec 23, 2009

Voting Information

Wow!  Look at those babies!  We had a great time shooting pictures and earning some dough for Primary Children's Hospital.  Feel free to vote every 12 hours until 4:00 pm on January 9th. Can't decide on just can vote for up to 2 babies at a time!

It will also help you and the people you know to sign up as followers of our blog. We will be sending out updates about the competition, reminders to vote, and ways for you to win a few prizes. Click here to join the RLT Photography fun!

A big shout out to our sponsors...thank you for your generosity.  This is what the first place winner will receive:

-RLT Photography $299 family sitting package
-Granite Bakery- $40 gift Certificate
-Nichols Photolab 16x20 mounted to artboard and sprayed, ($110 value).
-Cuddle Haven $25 Gift Certificate
-The Window Box $30 Gift Certificate
-Cutsie Cakes free cupcake for each entry
-The Framing Establishment Free 16x20 Frame

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